話梅番茄-Tomato snack dish昨天突然想起小時候﹐媽媽常用番茄做一道簡單的甜點於是我想到冰箱還有4顆番茄還有之前請朋友從台灣帶回來的紅話梅我便將番茄切片並加入幾課紅話梅在加入赤砂糖及開水攪拌後放入冰箱今天吃完晚餐後我拿出那話梅番茄酸酸甜甜的還真有媽媽的味道從沒看過其他人有做過這樣一道甜點我想大概是我媽媽自己個人的想法不過我倒是挺喜歡的I thought about one simple snack dish that my mother often made when I was a kid yesterday. I remember I still have 4 tomatos in the refrigator and one of my friend brought me some red dry plums (special Taiwanese snack, normally westerners don't like it) recently. I cut the tomatos in pieces and put the dry plums in. I also added some brown sugers and boiled water. After I stirred them together, I set it in the refrigator. After dinner today, I took the dish out and tasted it. The sweet and sour taste was just like what I had when I was a little kid. It was delicious. I never seen such dish from other people and I guess maybe it is just my mother's personal dish, but I really like it a lot though.