

一段泡菜和臭豆腐伯伯的記憶-The memory of Taiwanese Kimchi & the Uncle Stinky toufu當我在美國唸書的時候學校有好多韓國學生加上在夏威夷有很多的韓菜館因此從那時起愛上韓國泡菜但有一天發現在夏威夷似乎沒有吃過臺式泡菜於是跟一位同樣台灣去的同學﹐學會了如何做臺式泡菜 昨天突然想要吃臺式泡菜我便到超市買了一顆高麗菜回家後﹐我便把高麗菜解剖再切上三根紅蘿蔔及兩根小黃瓜加入一些鹽巴使它們軟化及入味大約兩小時後﹐我用清水洗淨切一根鮮辣椒一些嫩薑絲倒入3小匙的小米醋及少許的糖將它們攪拌後﹐送入冰箱接下來的工作就是等待一晚今天吃中飯時 我把冰箱的泡菜拿出來味道還真的是不錯這讓我想起了小時候(大約5-6歲起)有一位外省老伯伯每隔一天就會踩著他的三輪車叫賣臭豆腐我們全家人最愛吃他的臭豆腐了特別是加上他自製的泡菜 (每次總是會求伯伯給多一點泡菜)真的是絕配﹐令人讚不絕口我可以說是吃他的臭豆腐長大的從最早一塊豆腐3元台幣 吃到後來一塊8元台幣 (又看出我有多老了 : O )每回只要聽到從他音響中傳出特殊的臭豆腐歌 "喂----------臭哦哦哦哦豆---------腐耶-------"幾乎家家戶戶就會趕快到廚房拿出盤子去買他的臭豆腐深怕晚了一部就得等兩天後才吃得到伯伯美味的臭豆腐大約到了我唸國中時 臭豆腐伯伯突然不見了還記得我剛上高中那年有一天聽到那熟悉的臭豆腐歌我還以為聽錯了開門探頭一看還真是他我飛快的衝進廚房拿了一個盤子就往外跑向他的三輪車沒想到伯伯還記得我他用那外省口音的國語對著我說"長那麼大啦!!以前小不點兒一個!!!"那晚也是我最後一次看到他了有人說伯伯回大陸落葉歸根去了 我不知道是真是假不過我一直記得他和他那好吃的臭豆腐﹐泡菜以及那特殊的臭豆腐歌陪我度過那段成長的過程There were many Korean students in the university when I was studying in the US. Also, there are many Koran restaurants in Hawaii and people can always taste Korean Kimchi. Therefor, I started like it since then. However, I realized that I have never seen Taiwanese Kimchi in Hawaii, so one day I learned how to make Taiwanese Kimchi myself from one of Taiwanese students. Yesterday, I suddently feel like to eat Taiwanese Kimchi, so I went to the supermarket and bought a cabbage. I started making my own Kimchi with it when I got home. I cut 3 of carrots and 2 cucumbers with the cabbage. I also added some salt with them together and set it aside. After about 2 hours, I wash them with water and then I added a fresh chili, ginger, some sugar and vinegar. I set them inside the frige over night afterwards. I took the kimchi out during the lunch time today. It tasted really good and it reminded me a nice memory when I was a little child (when I was around 5-6 years old). There were an old uncle (to me at that time) who was from China originally, always came to our community and sale the stinky toufu (a special traditional Taiwanese food, most of westerners cannot take it because of its smell. It just like cheese to most of Asians I guess) with his tricycle every other day. My family loved his stinky toufu, especially eating with his home made Kimchi(we always asked him for some extra kimchi). That was something really delicious which you are not able to describe with words. I was grown up with his stinky toufu. I remembered that we bought it started with 3 NT for a piece of toufu to 8 NT for a piece. (you can see how old I am already :O) Everytime when we heard his special "Stinky Toufu Song" sang like this: Wei----------, Stinky Touuuuuuuufu wei........, almost every family will took a dish out from the kitchens to buy his stinkytoufu. If seems like everybody was afraid to be late because you have to wait for another two days if you missed it. When I began with junior high school, the Uncle Stinky toufu was gone. One day, I heard the familiar song again when I was a freshman in senior high school. I thought I heard it wrong but when I opened the door and take a look on the street, it was exactly him, the Uncle Stinky toufu. I therefore ran and took a dish out from the kitchen and rushed out again to buy his stinky toufu. I was surprised that he still remembered me. He looked at me and said with his strong accent in Mandarin to me: " What a big boy you are not!! You were such a little kid when I just knew you many years ago!!!" That was the last time I saw him because he never showed up again after that evening.



    創作者 黃明隆 的頭像

    hs Simpsons

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