

冬天的哥本哈根-Copenahgen's Winter成天灰暗的天空是丹麥典型的冬景午後三點半到四點間﹐天色就暗了對於我們從亞洲來的人們若不看手錶﹐還以為很晚了呢!這與舒服的夏日相較﹐成了明顯的對比自然地走在冬日的街頭也就覺得相對冷清許多感覺不到什麼生氣這或許就是為什麼我們會覺得北歐人比較冷漠的原因吧!只希望今年冬天不要太漫長並期待令一個夏天趕快到來(好像想太多﹐畢竟冬天才剛到呢) The dark gray sky is the typical Danish winter. Once the winter comes, it getting dark after 3:30 or 4 pm. To most of the Asians like me, it is a bit strange. If we don't look at the watch, we probably think it is pretty late already. The winter is also a big contrast to the great summer here. The city seems so calm and quiet. You don't feel any active atmosphere when walking on the streets. Maybe this is the reason why a lot of us feel that Scandinavian people are much colder than us. I just hope this winter will not be too long and the summer will come again soon. (I guess I think too much because the winter just arrived)



    創作者 黃明隆 的頭像

    hs Simpsons

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